GELAMIN® is used as a matrix for formulating ILSA products used as foliar fertilizers.
The GELAMIN®-based foliar products are assimilated and translocated within the plant very quickly and, due to the presence of levorotatory aminoacids, are readily used in the processes of primary metabolism of the plant, thus ensuring its uniform and balanced development.
The foliar fertilization with GELAMIN® -based products also presents application benefits since, by ensuring rapid absorption, allows taking timely action in the case of nutritional deficiencies or critical periods for the plant.
GELAMIN® is the basis for the formulation of a series of products with nutritional function, applied at the leaf level and containing complexed macro-, meso- and micro-elements.
GELAMIN® indeed, for its high organic matter content and the presence of free aminoacids, peptides and polypeptides, can form complexes or natural chelates with nutrients, thus increasing their availability to plants and microorganisms.
The action of the organic component and different protein fractions in the fluid gelatin GELAMIN® is then diversified: on the one hand, the complexation and chelation properties help keeping the elements active and usable by plants even in a wide pH range; in fact the high presence of aminoacids, oligo- and polypeptides whose binding domains are involved in the metal-complexation processes, promotes solubility in pH conditions under which, as a rule, the various elements would naturally tend to precipitate.
On the other hand, aminoacids and peptides act as both carriers of the elements, facilitating their absorption, and complexers that, by keeping the elements
in a biologically active form, favor their translocation and mobility through the phloem transport system. This is the system carrying the substances absorbed by the foliar apparatus to the other plant organs (flowers, fruits, seeds, storage organs, roots and young leaves).
In particular, the levorotatory aminoacids insideGELAMIN® complex boron and make it available to fulfill its physiological roles of synthesis of cell wall pectins and carriage of sugar-borate complex systems from photosynthetic organs to fruits. As for calcium, an essential component of cell walls, when chelated by aminoacids and peptides it has greater mobility and availability.
Moreover, the presence of levorotatory aminoacids and peptides enhances the absorption and translocation of potassium and magnesium in all organs of the plant: the synergy between aminoacids, magnesium and potassium allows improving their activity inside the plant.
Microelements such as zinc and manganese, which are important cofactors of enzymes, due to aminoacids are complexed and more easily conveyed within the plant, thus enabling rapid and efficient assimilation.
The complexing properties of the matrix GELAMIN® give the products containing it the property to keep the iron available to the plant and in the biologically active form, i.e. the bivalent (Fe2+): è dimostrato che GELAMIN® è in grado di mantenere il Ferro in soluzione in un ampio intervallo di pH nella forma assimilabile dalle piante.
Si può quindi concludere che i prodotti a base di GELAMIN® contenenti elementi complessati forniscono alla pianta dei vantaggi fisiologici in quanto:
- favoriscono il trasporto di zuccheri e fotoassimilati;
- aumentano l’attività fotosintetca;
- migliorano l’allegagione e la formazione di nuovi tessuti vegetali;
- aumentano la resistenza della pianta alle condizioni avverse incrementando la consistenza dei tessuti;
- apportano isoleucina, istidina, prolina ed idrossiprolina che hanno funzioni strutturali e fanno parte delle proteine associate alle membrane cellulari.
Il supporto alla fisiologia della pianta si traduce in incrementi quantitativi e qualitativi della produzione in quanto:
- è contrastato l’insorgere di carenze;
- aumenta la qualità e l’omogeneità della produzione, grazie ad una maggior colorazione, consistenza e sapidità dei frutti;
- aumenta la durezza e la conservazione dei frutti.